New topic: “Haemme solttua”
Uusi tuore joukkue (AnalCarnage) hakee riveihinsä sotilasta. Qnetis mut löytää kanavalta joskus välil. Privaan vaa halukkaat. Rohkeesti. Thx bye
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[quote 287391][...] vellu ja jipa, free agents.[/quote] ketäs ne on? oon uus ni en oikee tiiä näit kaikkii tyyppei..
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the people that attend lans edit: and leutsi ofc
View ArticleReply to “Winland? More like failland”
oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, they be dissing our rugby team, the heat is on
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[quote 296704]big, maybe if fat cunts like paavi stopped eaty those maccies they might stand a chance ;)[/quote] also, fuck off joske if you can\'t even come up with anything clever to insult paavi with
View ArticleReply to “Vanilla + medlocks (+ maps, apparently)”
Fucking disgusts me to see incompetent admins making retarded decisions that will kill the game many people love. It was obvious ever since the first debate of what weapons to use that vanilla was the...
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